Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CChecksumComputes a checksum from a byte stream
 CChecksumCalculatorProgressHandles the progression of the process of computing of a checksum
 CDefaultChecksumCalculatorProgressHandles the progression of the process of computing of a checksum
 CChecksumCalculatorCalculates a checksum
 CChecksumFileCalculatorComputes a checksum from a file
 CChecksumFactoryGenerates new instances of the subclasses of the Checksum class that the application knows
 CChecksumEntryRepresents an entry of the checksum or hash algorithms that the application knows
 CChecksumFormatterThis class provides some convenient tools to format checksum and hash values
 CConfigurationProviderConfiguration provider for ChecksumFormatter
 CDefaultCKFConfigurationProviderDefault configuration provider for ChecksumFormatter
 CChecksumValueStores the value of a checksum
 CXCKSReaderHandlerHandler for reading XCKS files
 CXCKSReaderDefaultHandlerDefault handler for reading XCKS files
 CXCKSWriterChecksumProviderProvides checksums values from an array of wanted algorithms of checksums for the XCKS writer
 CXCKSWriterHandlerHandler for writing XCKS files
 CXCKSWriterDefaultHandlerDefault handler for writing XCKS files
 CXCKSWriterOptionsProvides options for the XCKS writer
 CZXCKSWriterOptionsProvides options for the XCKS writer
 CLibXCKSInitialiserConvenience class for initialise and clean-up libxcks
 CXCKSReaderXCKS file reader
 CZXCKSReaderZXCKS file reader
 CXCKSWriterXCKS file writer
 CZXCKSWriterZXCKS file writer
 CBLAKE3Computes the BLAKE3 hash from a byte stream
 CChecksumExComputes a hash from a byte stream
 CCRC32Computes the CRC-32 from a byte stream
 CCRC64Computes the CRC-64 (ECMA 182 standard) from a byte stream
 CAbstractKeccakImplComputes the Keccak hash from a byte stream
 CSHA3_224Computes the SHA3-224 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA3_256Computes the SHA3-256 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA3_384Computes the SHA3-384 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA3_512Computes the SHA3-512 hash from a byte stream
 CLibgcryptHashComputes a hash from a byte stream
 CMD2Computes the MD2 hash from a byte stream
 CMD4Computes the MD4 hash from a byte stream
 CMD5Computes the MD5 hash from a byte stream
 CRIPEMD160Computes the RIPE-MD160 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA1Computes the SHA1 (or SHA160) hash from a byte stream
 CAbstractSHA256ImplComputes the SHA256 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA224Computes the SHA224 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA256Computes the SHA256 hash from a byte stream
 CAbstractSHA512ImplComputes the SHA512 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA384Computes the SHA384 hash from a byte stream
 CSHA512Computes the SHA512 hash from a byte stream
 CSM3Computes the SM3 hash from a byte stream
 CTigerComputes the Tiger hash from a byte stream
 CWhirlpoolComputes the Whirlpool hash from a byte stream
 CThreadSafeChecksumCalculatorA thread safe checksums calculator
 CXCKSFileReaderXCKS file parser
 CXCKS1FileHandlerXCKS file version 1 handler
 CXCKSDirStructA directories structure for XCKS files
 Cconst_file_iteratorA forward iterator on files of a directory structure
 CDirectoryA directory of the directory structure for XCKS files
 CElementAn element of the directory structure for XCKS files
 CFileAn file of the directory structure for XCKS files
 CXCKSFileWriterA XCKS file writer
 CXMLParserExceptionAn exception class for the XML parser
 CXMLParserAttributesManages elements' attributes
 CXMLParserA very simple XML parser
 CXMLParserDefaultHandlerDefault XML parser handler