Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Clibxcks::ChecksumComputes a checksum from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::ChecksumExComputes a hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::AbstractKeccakImplComputes the Keccak hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA3_224Computes the SHA3-224 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA3_256Computes the SHA3-256 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA3_384Computes the SHA3-384 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA3_512Computes the SHA3-512 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::BLAKE3Computes the BLAKE3 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::CRC32Computes the CRC-32 from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::CRC64Computes the CRC-64 (ECMA 182 standard) from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::LibgcryptHashComputes a hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::AbstractSHA256ImplComputes the SHA256 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA224Computes the SHA224 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA256Computes the SHA256 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::AbstractSHA512ImplComputes the SHA512 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA384Computes the SHA384 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA512Computes the SHA512 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::MD4Computes the MD4 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::MD5Computes the MD5 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::RIPEMD160Computes the RIPE-MD160 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SHA1Computes the SHA1 (or SHA160) hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::TigerComputes the Tiger hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::MD2Computes the MD2 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::SM3Computes the SM3 hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::WhirlpoolComputes the Whirlpool hash from a byte stream
 Clibxcks::ChecksumCalculatorCalculates a checksum
 Clibxcks::ChecksumFileCalculatorComputes a checksum from a file
 Clibxcks::ChecksumCalculatorProgressHandles the progression of the process of computing of a checksum
 Clibxcks::DefaultChecksumCalculatorProgressHandles the progression of the process of computing of a checksum
 Clibxcks::ChecksumFactory::ChecksumEntryRepresents an entry of the checksum or hash algorithms that the application knows
 Clibxcks::ChecksumFactoryGenerates new instances of the subclasses of the Checksum class that the application knows
 Clibxcks::ChecksumFormatterThis class provides some convenient tools to format checksum and hash values
 Clibxcks::ChecksumValueStores the value of a checksum
 Clibxcks::ChecksumFormatter::ConfigurationProviderConfiguration provider for ChecksumFormatter
 Clibxcks::DefaultCKFConfigurationProviderDefault configuration provider for ChecksumFormatter
 Clibxcks::XCKSDirStruct::const_file_iteratorA forward iterator on files of a directory structure
 Clibxcks::XCKSDirStruct::ElementAn element of the directory structure for XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSDirStruct::DirectoryA directory of the directory structure for XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSDirStruct::FileAn file of the directory structure for XCKS files
 Clibxcks::LibXCKSInitialiserConvenience class for initialise and clean-up libxcks
 Clibxcks::ThreadSafeChecksumCalculatorA thread safe checksums calculator
 Clibxcks::XCKSDirStructA directories structure for XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSFileWriterA XCKS file writer
 Clibxcks::XCKSReaderXCKS file reader
 Clibxcks::ZXCKSReaderZXCKS file reader
 Clibxcks::XCKSReaderHandlerHandler for reading XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSReaderDefaultHandlerDefault handler for reading XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSWriterXCKS file writer
 Clibxcks::ZXCKSWriterZXCKS file writer
 Clibxcks::XCKSWriterChecksumProviderProvides checksums values from an array of wanted algorithms of checksums for the XCKS writer
 Clibxcks::XCKSWriterHandlerHandler for writing XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSWriterDefaultHandlerDefault handler for writing XCKS files
 Clibxcks::XCKSWriterOptionsProvides options for the XCKS writer
 Clibxcks::ZXCKSWriterOptionsProvides options for the XCKS writer
 Clibxcks::XMLParserA very simple XML parser
 Clibxcks::XCKSFileReaderXCKS file parser
 Clibxcks::XMLParserAttributesManages elements' attributes
 Clibxcks::XMLParserDefaultHandlerDefault XML parser handler
 Clibxcks::XCKS1FileHandlerXCKS file version 1 handler
 Clibxcks::XMLParserExceptionAn exception class for the XML parser