libxcks Directory Reference


file  checksum.hpp [code]
 Interface for classes that compute checksums.
file  ckcalculator.hpp [code]
 Utility classes to compute and verify the checksums.
file  ckfactory.hpp [code]
 Classes for enumerate and create all the checksums' algorithms that the application knows.
file  ckformatter.hpp [code]
 Format checksum and hash values.
file  ckvalue.hpp [code]
 Stores the value of a checksum.
file  defs.hpp [code]
 Common definitions for libxcks.
file  export.hpp [code]
 OS dependent exports defines.
file  handlers.hpp [code]
 Handlers for reading and writing XCKS files.
file  libxcks.hpp [code]
 Entry point and convenience header of libxcks.
file  types.hpp [code]
 Common types for libxcks.
file  verdefs.hpp [code]
 Version of the library in defines.
file  version.hpp [code]
 Version of the library.
file  xcksreader.hpp [code]
 (Z)XCKS files reader.
file  xcksver.hpp [code]
 Versions of (Z)XCKS files.
file  xckswriter.hpp [code]
 (Z)XCKS files writer.