File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 checksum.hppInterface for classes that compute checksums
 ckcalculator.hppUtility classes to compute and verify the checksums
 ckfactory.hppClasses for enumerate and create all the checksums' algorithms that the application knows
 ckformatter.hppFormat checksum and hash values
 ckvalue.hppStores the value of a checksum
 defs.hppCommon definitions for libxcks
 export.hppOS dependent exports defines
 handlers.hppHandlers for reading and writing XCKS files
 libxcks.hppEntry point and convenience header of libxcks
 types.hppCommon types for libxcks
 verdefs.hppVersion of the library in defines
 version.hppVersion of the library
 xcksreader.hpp(Z)XCKS files reader
 xcksver.hppVersions of (Z)XCKS files
 xckswriter.hpp(Z)XCKS files writer
 blake3.cppCompute BLAKE3 hash
 blake3.hppCompute BLAKE3 hash
 checksumex.cppAdd some utilities to Checksum class
 checksumex.hppAdd some utilities to Checksum class
 crc32.cppCompute crc32
 crc32.hppCompute crc32
 crc64.cppCompute crc64
 crc64.hppCompute crc64
 keccak.cppCompute Keccak and SHA3 hashes
 keccak.hppCompute Keccak and SHA3 hashes
 libgcrypthash.hppInterface for classes from the Libgcrypt that compute hashes
 md2.cppCompute md2 hash
 md2.hppCompute md2 hash
 md4.cppCompute md4 hash
 md4.hppCompute md4 hash
 md5.cppCompute md5 hash
 md5.hppCompute md5 hash
 rmd160.cppCompute ripe-md160 hash
 rmd160.hppCompute ripe-md160 hash
 sha1.cppCompute sha1 hash
 sha1.hppCompute sha1 hash
 sha224_256.cppCompute sha224 hash and sha256 hash
 sha224_256.hppCompute sha224 hash and sha256 hash
 sha384_512.cppCompute sha384 hash and sha512 hash
 sha384_512.hppCompute sha384 hash and sha512 hash
 sm3.cppCompute SM3 hash
 sm3.hppCompute SM3 hash
 tiger.cppCompute Tiger hash
 tiger.hppCompute Tiger hash
 whirlpool.cppCompute Whirlpool hash
 whirlpool.hppCompute Whirlpool hash
 ckcalculator.cppUtility classes to compute and verify the checksums
 ckfactory.cppClasses for enumerate and create all the checksums' algorithms that the application knows
 ckformatter.cppFormat checksum and hash values
 ckvalue.cppStores the value of a checksum
 pathutil.cppPath utilities
 pathutil.hppPath utilities
 private_defs.hppCommon private definitions for libxcks
 strutil.cppString utilities
 strutil.hppString utilities
 version.cppVersion of the library
 handlers.cppHandlers for reading and writing XCKS files
 xcksfilereader.cppClasses that read a XCKS file
 xcksfilereader.hppClasses that read a XCKS file
 xcksfilereader_1.cppClasses that read a XCKS file version 1
 xcksfilereader_1.hppClasses that read a XCKS file version 1
 xcksfilewriter.cppClasses that write a XCKS file
 xcksfilewriter.hppClasses that write a XCKS file
 xcksreader.cpp(Z)XCKS files reader
 xcksver.cppVersions of (Z)XCKS files
 xckswriter.cpp(Z)XCKS files reader
 xmlparser.cppA very simple XML Parser
 xmlparser.hppA very simple XML Parser
 libxcks.cppEntry point and convenience header of libxcks