file | ckcalculator.cpp [code] |
| Utility classes to compute and verify the checksums.
file | ckfactory.cpp [code] |
| Classes for enumerate and create all the checksums' algorithms that the application knows.
file | ckformatter.cpp [code] |
| Format checksum and hash values.
file | ckvalue.cpp [code] |
| Stores the value of a checksum.
file | pathutil.cpp [code] |
| Path utilities.
file | pathutil.hpp [code] |
| Path utilities.
file | private_defs.hpp [code] |
| Common private definitions for libxcks.
file | strutil.cpp [code] |
| String utilities.
file | strutil.hpp [code] |
| String utilities.
file | version.cpp [code] |
| Version of the library.